PDF Security for document protection

LockLizard Provides Security for PDF Files

When information being published to the web has many man hours invested, contains critical or confidential information or is meant to generate revenue, ensuring security for those PDF files is essential.  eBook publishers and eLearning professionals need to be particularly vigilant about ensuring security for their PDF files.  If you have been searching for software that can help with security for your PDF files, LockLizard has the solution you have been looking for.

LockLizard’s Safeguard software is the leading security for PDF software package.  As one of the most robust programs providing security for PDF files, Safeguard includes a laundry list of security features for PDF files being published to the web.  Whether you need to control access, printing or use of your PDF files, the Safeguard software package will provide you with the security for PDF files that you need.  The superior features of the Safeguard security for PDF software includes control over the viewing, printing, sharing and modifying of PDF documents.  It is also possible with our security for PDF software to control where files are printed and the number of copies that can be made of each document.  Controlling for screen grabs is also included in LockLizard’s complete security for PDF software package.

When you use LockLizard’s Safeguard security for PDF software, you will retain control over the expiration of documents.  Should you feel that your PDF is being used outside of your set guidelines, you retain the right to expire access to your document to ensure security for your PDF file is retained.  If document access is being leased for a specific amount of time, our Safeguard security for PDF software allows for user account expiration.

Regardless of the information you publish, establishing security for your PDF files is essential.  For the best security for your PDF files, you need LockLizard Safeguard software. To learn more about our security for PDF software, call LockLizard at 800-707-4492.